Our new place is not as "pretty" on the outside but the inside is okay. Large living room and master bed. Kitchen is small but I don't cook much anyway and it is outdated so maybe down the road there will be some remodeling? The garage is enclosed but there is no heat or air in there so we will either put heat and air or maybe open it back up as a garage. Not sure. Those will be decisions for another road.
Packing is a nightmare though. I hate it! You just do not realize how much "junk" you have accumulated over time. The last time we moved was the same...now more "junk" to move. This will be out 4th house and hopefully our last. Yeah, that is what I said about my "dream home" 7 years ago. You never know what will happen to change your life. I guess change is good huh? We spent time fixing up the house, painting and whatnot.
Yeah, we had a good ol' time doing that...NOT! My boys were the biggest help ever! They are great kids! One will be getting married next year and moving out and the other is in college so he is home only ever once in awhile and during holidays. Then after college he will be gone. Empty nest syndrome? I am feeling it now!
Stay tuned for I will be posting about my new craft room. I need time to get settled and fix it up the way I want it. I am hoping this (moving) will help me get organized. Ya think?