Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Response to Kimbo Kreations' Baby Card (New Parent) Challenge

Kim at Kimbo Kreations is going to be a brand new grandmother.  Whoo Hoo!!!!  I am so excited for her.  Why?  Because I know what it feels like to be one.  I was a brand new grandma two years ago.  But now I am going to be a grandma again at the end of September.  I am so excited.....again.  So Kim wanted to do a challenge to celebrate the news of her being a new grandmother.  She wants us to do a new baby card for her son and daughter-in-law and also wants us to provide new parent advice if we could. Of course, I had to put in my two cents worth of advice.  LOL  Here is a picture of the card and my advice to the new parents.  I hope it helps.

She also said we could suggest baby names if we wanted to.  I chose not to because there are so many names I like.  My son and his wife have decided on a name for their second son and I really like the name.  However, she kinda wants it to be a double first name type thing which I am not really too fond of.  It's okay but just not something I would want to do.  And I am not sure if I could ever remember to call him both names.  Fortunately those names have initials that go well together so that may eventually become his name.  I don't think she likes that idea but he may decide when he is older that he does like it.  But I will do what they want me to as far as the name goes.  

Here is the video I did to show the card better.  Let me know what you think about it.  Did I give good advice?  I hope so.  Big hugs guys!


  1. Sweet card and great advice. My nephew talk until he was almost 5. He had/has a different from typical way of taking in and processing information. He's now in his mid twenties and is brilliant, hard working, and very successful. My sister wishes she had worried less and enjoyed more when he was young. :) TFS Big hugs, Kristina

  2. Sweet card and great advice. My nephew talk until he was almost 5. He had/has a different from typical way of taking in and processing information. He's now in his mid twenties and is brilliant, hard working, and very successful. My sister wishes she had worried less and enjoyed more when he was young. :) TFS Big hugs, Kristina
